Are you struggling to move on after a divorce?

Are you feeling lost and unsure of how to rebuild your life? A growth planning call with a divorce recovery coach can help.

During the FREE 45-minute call, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Discuss your specific situation and challenges in a safe and confidential environment.

  • Identify your goals and priorities for moving forward.

  • Develop a personalized action plan to help you achieve those goals.

  • Decide if you would like ongoing support and guidance as you implement your plan.

There are many challenges that a woman may face as she struggles to move forward after a divorce. Some of the most common challenges include:


Going through a divorce can be a deeply emotional experience, and many women find themselves dealing with a wide range of intense emotions, such as grief, anger, sadness, and fear. These emotions can be difficult to cope with, and can make it challenging for a woman to move forward and rebuild her life after a divorce.


Divorce can also have significant financial consequences, particularly for women who may have relied on their spouse's income to support themselves and their children. As a result, many women may find themselves struggling to make ends meet and to support themselves and their families financially after a divorce.


Divorce can often lead to a sense of isolation, particularly if the woman's friends and family members are supportive of her ex-spouse or if they are uncomfortable discussing the divorce. This can make it difficult for a woman to find support and to talk about her feelings and experiences with others.

The no obligation growth planning call is the perfect opportunity to get the support and guidance you need to move forward after divorce. Don't let the challenges of divorce hold you back any longer.

Schedule a FREE growth planning call today and take the first step towards rebuilding your life.

About Your Coach

Hi I'm Ang!

I'm a board certified Life Coach and Master Mental Health Coach specializing in divorce recovery. 

I work with women of faith struggling to rebuild their lives financially and spiritually while healing from an abusive marriage.

I understand the struggle because I've been there!

My story begins like many other women that have faced divorce due to infidelity. I thought I had a good Christian marriage. We led our young adult ministry and he served as a deacon. I had no reason to believe that anything unusual was happening. Then, I made the devastating discovery that he was cheating on me. I began to question everything about the last 25 years of my life. Did he ever really love me? What was real, what was a lie?

As a mental health and Christian life coach, I help women overcome betrayal trauma and rebuild their life after divorce. It is a healing journey, but you can survive and thrive in a new amazing life.

My life is a testament to what God can do for you and through you. I did the hard work of recovery and healing. If my story is similar to yours, you're not alone, my sweet friend. You CAN heal, get unstuck and move forward. I am here to help you.

If you're ready to take the first step towards rebuilding your life...

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